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Billy 40

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Everything posted by Billy 40

  1. Fit & Finish

    See, it's not all about butt wraps & inlays. I do take time to make sure there are no seams where the seat & grip meet. I HATE grips that have a bump there. Would love to take the lock switch off the Jigger and catch some fish with it.
  2. Fish in underwrap

    Since I made the wrap a lot longer than I should have, I figured I'd leave a fish under the guide. It happened to fit almost perfectly. The Silver writing on the bottom of teh guide wrap is a decal stating what blank, GUSA 705-41 DHX (41 = 4" cutt off butt, 1" off tip)
  3. 2 Fish wraps

    Couple of shaded fish, wrapped double. The skinny rod (GUSA 705DHX - Cobalt Blue) had 16 fish on the 0 axis, but I had to cut 2 off, adn I "hid" another one under the guide. Teh larger blank (Lami SMB1143F, special order) had 9 fish along the axis.
  4. Guide to Match grips

    I strayed from the norm here, and used Black overwraps, which I HATE. But I wanted a perfect match to teh grips. 15 turns of REd, 5 Black metallic, 5 REd, then Black to the center of teh underwrap, 2 bands of 5 turns of Red. Overwrap was black with a REd HOlographic inlay, to somewhat match teh circles in teh grip.
  5. Red & Black Theme

    Gotta have a matching rod & reel. Will get a few more REd Aftermarket Aluminum parts for this reel. Would love to find Red sideplate rings.
  6. 3 Inlays

    Simple Inlays on 3 rods I just completed. The 2 Blue ones have 3 sets of White-Red-White trim rings in Blue EVA. The Black & Red rod has a butt grip done in EVA, and the foregrip is all Hypalon.
  7. Fun with Foam

    Anyone have any colors that I don't let me know. I'm trying to catch up to teh Crayola 64 pack.
  8. Blackfish Hosel...what is that?

    Once again, mucho thanks to Jess for making this for me. IF you're curious what that is in the Hosel, you've never seen a set of Blackfish teeth. THat is an actual set of jaws I cut out of a fish, sent to Jesse, and he hooked me up.
  9. Blackfish Hosel

    Here is one side of the Jesse Buky made for me. Both teh inlay and the Hosel will go on my NERDs Blackfish Project Rod.
  10. VisualWrap Snowflake

    This is how the pattern looked when I put it into VW. It would be a lot easier to just print it, cut it, and glue it to the rod.
  11. Snowflake

    This is the matching wrap to the bleed through guide wrap. This SNowflake was very simple, teh center cross started with Blue, then Silver outside that. Ratio 4 Blue to 2 Silver. The Outer box was done Silver first, then Blue, 4:1 Silver to Blue. http://www.visualwrap.com/cgibin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=6;action=display;num=1082589230
  12. Twist on bleed through

    Underwrap = Silver, Silver/Blue, and a Blue trim band in the center. Overwrap = 037 Blue Nylon A. I tried to get a shaded wrap, but rather than trying to do so with the overwrap, I shaded teh underwrap, let the overwrap bleed through, and came up with this. Blank is a GUSA 704DHX in Blue.
  13. Shaded Spider

    Silver Spider, shaded Blue background. Wrapped on a GUSA 704DHX.
  14. Shaded Spider

    Close up of Silver Spider with Shaded Blue background.
  15. Acid on Acid

    Posted this for the Chef, even though I didn't finish yet. Quite simple, plus it helps people see which direction thr guides are supposed to go. hopefully, I can answer the 2-piece rod is not aligned question by answerring what about my 2-piece wrap?
  16. Unfinished Acid

    Didn't finish yet, started in December. The Arrow points teh direction of the guides, just so I can make even more people confused.
  17. Hypalon grip, and me

    So much for not being able to do Inlays in Hypalon. TRim rings and circles = no proble watsoever. The pointy bearded Devil will give me something to remind me of myself after I shave off my beard in a month.
  18. First guide

    Tie off & the first guide. You can see the Gusa darker colored Green in this pic. The rod really looks amazing in the sunlight. All it needs is a decal & butt cap.
  19. 4-leaf clover, full wrap

    Shaded background with a Modified 4-leaf clover. Not quite the same as what's n the Clemens book, I tweaked it slightly. The script for this is on the Visualwrap.com site
  20. 4-leaf clover wrap

    Here's the tie off and a view of teh 1/32" trim bands in Yellow Green Yellow in the foregrip
  21. 4-leaf Clover

    Top of Foregrip. the entire grip has 8 regular 3-leaf clover's, and this 4leaf one, for luck. Hopefully he won't need luck while fishing, but if he does, he doesn't have to look far to find good luck charm.
  22. Irish Rod

    Foregrip on a GUSA 85Monster Mag, will be used for heavy jigging Cod up in Glouster, Ma
  23. Lucky Rod

    180 degrees on the butt grip. Small clovers at the top and bottom of the grip
  24. Small Blank

    Made a Silver Star with a Red background. Once that was done, started the Shaded TEal background, wrapped 1 starting with 5 threads - contiued this with the Red background for 4 passes.
  25. Pink Angel

    Used the time saved by using masking tape bushings to create another New pattern with Visualwrap, the Pink Angel. No it's not my rod, like "everyone else's" Pink rods, it's my wife Elke's. lol!!