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Raymond Adams

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Everything posted by Raymond Adams

  1. DSCN1709

    Oops! posted the wrong photo before.
  2. DSCN17101

    J.P. Timberlake's "Stix & Bones" design. I think this is the most comfortable spinning handle design I have ever built. Large slide ring, 20mm skeleton, very little OD removed from cork. Had fun with the checkers too!
  3. DSCN1597

    40 X 122 6 layers
  4. 3 layer Dragon w/Sign 68X127

    FishHawk red, garnet,& blue. Gudebrod glitzy gold all Size "D" This is the pattern test wrap and it came out great so I elected to keep for a display. The silhouette pattern may be a better way to go for this one. I'll have to wrap that one soon.
  5. Ladies Rod

  6. Wood_Split_Grip

    Honey Locust split grip set
  7. A weave in progress

    See! It doesn't look that hard and it isn't. Really!
  8. Fish Hawk Thread is Cool!

    Robbie Smith @Fish Hawk sent me some thread way back to try out and I was very pleased with it!
  9. 123_Medium_

    This is what it's really all about!
  10. Thread_Art_is_Fun

    Some of the threadwork that I so much enjoy!
  11. SH1087 3

    Grip/seat made from Juniper (thanks Stan!) by Rich Gassman! (thanks Rich!) 7wt 9ft 3pc
  12. Lamiglas Perigee PFT 108 5/6

    Amboyna Burl w/engraved nicole silver cap & ring. made by Jeff & Rhonda VanZandt Birch Bark w/amboyna tips grip mad for me by J.P. Timberlake Package ties together perfect on the Lami Perigee PFT 108 5/6 9ft 3pc
  13. Shark Weave

    The Great Golden Shark can only be found roaming off the coast of Woolly Bugger Island. This small island near Ireland is the home of Leprechauns. For thousands of years the leperchauns ahve been tossing golden coins to the Great White sharks that always harrass their fishing grounds hoping to appease the gods a get the sharks to leave them be. Thus this species of Great White shark have developed a nice golden tone to their skin. Threads are FishHawk Silk size "D"
  14. Dragon Weave Progression

    I little different type photo post shows some of the journey as well as final result. I hope those who have not seen weaving get an idea of how they are done. Threads are both FishHawk silk size "D" 89 design threads by 177 rod turns and the dragon is approx. 50mm long and 21mm wide. The entire weave is about 3 3/4in long from end to end
  15. Metalic White Shark

    White Shark weave done with FishHawk size "A" metalic. SP5 vari., black, & green. Not happy with the gapping. Still having issues weaving with metalics but learning with each new wrap. I'm very happy with the FishHawk brand threads!
  16. The Budding Rose

    One of my favorite crosswrap patterns from Billy Vivona's book.
  17. 1 pc 9.5 ft Shikari SHIII SW rod

    DeckHand style build
  18. Black Jets

    Simple garnet & black split diamonds only with +1 on the garnet side with a single #246 dark blue border done on 4 axis. ALL FishHawk threads. #206 garnet "C" Opaque (NCP), #246 dark blue Opaque "C", and #1 black "D"
  19. Little Derby Winner's Rod ( 5 yr old girl )

    My first try at cutting & gluing up EVA sections and rings. I see I need to pay closer attention to making the rings equil widths! I had intended to inlay some light pink hearts into the darker pink sections of the grip but my practice inlays (see the red unmounted foregrip) were not so hot. Had nasty glue lines & the pink hearts are so thin it was to easy to sand to much.
  20. Blue_Metallic_Tiger

    The "Tiger Wrap" technique as taught by Scott Throop. This one I did using Gudebrod HT 9000 gold and HT blue 9245 both size A
  21. Test_1

    Base wrap is Anglers Warehouse size "B" green and white reg. nylon. Overwrap is Gudebrod "A" verigated light/dark green reg. nylon. From left to right, 1)basewrap w/finish 2)overwrap completed and spare removed, 3)top finish coat applied I was disappointed with results until I made the mistake of NOT applying CP before the top coat of finish like I had intended to! Also, the practice shows what happens if you DO NOT burnish well OR try and burnish AFTER the spacing thread is removed. THIS IS FUN!!
  22. DSCN0953

    Billy's "Evil Bass" 65 X 110 5 colors 4 layers. 7mm X 26mm Design threads are size "A" and wrapping thread is "D" (all reg. nylon). This is my first attempt at weaving other than name lettering. A bit daunting to jump right in with a multi-layer color change but I just HAD to verify my pattern making abilities. I liked Billy's Evil bass so much I decided to honor him with the pattern. The "D" wrapping thread elongated the pattern more than I liked. Size "B" would have been the ticket. Next time I'll nail it for sure!
  23. Kustom_for_Kids_2_final

    This year's edition of the Kustom for Kids rod displays the awesome workmanship of Rich Gassman, Stan Grace, Randy Parpart (aka Putter) and Doc Ski. As many of you are aware the proceeds of this charity go to purchase materials needed to conduct rodbuilding classes with kids. This project has been going several years and we are proud to help again this year. Todd Vivian of Lamiglas has graciously donated the blanks for these kids and the proceeds from this rod will be used to help with the other components and misc. materials. If you are interested in obtaining chances or more information on this special project, please feel free to contact any of the following: Doc Ski: docski377@aol.com Stan Grace: gracestan1@bresnan.net Putter: putter@dia.net
  24. Name weave "Rhonda"

    21 Madeira "Jewel" holographic design threads and 84 Gudbrode "rose pink" #524 size A wrap threads.
  25. Name weave pattern

    "Rhonda" 21 X 84 made with the help of PC Stitch