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Finish Coat over Stonefly NYMPH

Terry Henson
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Rod is now turning and despite the advice of the board, for this particular rod, I had made an enlay and had placed the fly in the Ivory. Then I chose to just cover the fly and feather the sides of the epoxy to the Ivory. I gota tell ya, WOW! Did the LS Supreme feather nicely into the Ivory or what? Could not even feel the slightest ridge. Near Perfect! Then I sanded the whole piece down 1/64th and gave the whole seaction a coat (THANKS EDEN AND MARK!!!!). I must say it turned out nearly perfect! Hope it dries that way. We will see. Now after sanding and working the rod, it is too small for the 4wt rod it was intended. It is more properly sized for a 2 or 3 wt because I took the handle down a bit. The handle is perfect for a 2 wt rod. Know a good one I can mount the handle on? I was looking at my stock and I have several hundred flies to mount similiar to this one. I have some Stoneflies that are an inch and half long. Can't wait till the next attempt. Thoughts?



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